Anyone could potentially become addicted to gambling. Being sensible with money or understanding the odds does not mean you couldn't develop a gambling problem. If you are going through a tough time or a life crisis such losing your job, a relationship breakup or have suffered a bereavement It is possible to become dependent on the high online gambling provides to temporarily lift a low mood. Some people who are feeling stressed, depressed or anxious find they become dependent on online gambling as focusing on gambling helps them to feel calm. But, as every experienced gambler knows, you don’t always win. If you are using gambling to get thehigh or to calm yourself down then losing money can make you feel a lot lower and more stressed than before. You can end up simply chasing wins and the good feeling that go with them, whilst digging yourself deeper into debt and making yourself feel worse than when you started.
Once you become controlled by gambling and cravings for the perceived high or calming feeling this overrides all rational thought and it impacts your entire life. Losing too much money to gambling can lead to financial ruin. Losing too much time to gambling can lead to damaged relationships, careers and general well-being. All of these devastating consequences make any mental health issues much worse. For some, this can then lead to a further downward spiral towards other addictions in an attempt to self-medicate.